The Scriptural Premise for the Trinity
.... Now as we’ve mentioned, the Trinity is the only doctrine that has ever been found that can completely agree with everything that the Scriptures reveal pertaining to the Godhead. It is good for seeing an overall sort of concept about God. But you know what we really need, just to make this whole thing irrefutable? Unshakeable? We need to find a Scripture that actually sets forth the concept of the Trinity itself in a doctrinal, creedal statement. If we can find a verse like that, we can use that statement as a premise for this belief and build everything we’ve been talking about on that premise, and nobody could say it was wrong. Nobody could shake it.
.... So, is there a verse like that in Scripture? That sets forth the understanding itself in a doctrinal, creedal statement? There is. And it’s the last verse our opponents would expect us to quote. But the verse I’m referring to is Deuteronomy 6:4. It’s called the 'Shama', and it reads like this:
.... "Hear O Israel! The LORD our God is one LORD!"
.... This passage sets forth in a creedal statement something about the Person of God: "The Lord our God is one Lord." If we go back to the Hebrew wording for this (because Hebrew is the original language in this passage,) it sheds some light on what we’ve been talking about. There are two words in particular we must take a look at. The word ‘God’ and the word ‘one’.
.... The Hebrew word for God, used in this passage, is the word ‘eloheeynuw’ which comes from the root word ‘Elohiym’. This, a plural word which literally means ‘Gods’. The Lord our ‘Gods’ is one Lord.
.... The next word we need to look at is the word ‘one’, for He is ‘One’ Lord. The Hebrew word used here is the word ‘echaad’, which is used to signify a unified one, rather than an absolute one. It’s the same word that appears in Genesis 2:24 when the Lord said of Adam and Eve "they two shall be one flesh". It’s a unified one.
.... So Deuteronomy 6:4 transliterates to mean something like this: "Hear, O Israel! The Lord our Gods is one, unified Lord!" Therefore, this Scripture can serve as a premise on which the doctrine of the Trinity may rest, and it completely matches the entirety of the Word of God.
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